
Remembering My Parents on this Memorial Day

This is a special day.

I always remember my family members who most recently served in World War 2, Korea, and the Gulf Wars. As readers of this blog may remember, we celebrate this day by cutting lilacs from around our house and putting them on the graves of those who came before us.

Pops helped to win WWII through his actions in the Navy in the Atlantic and in the Pacific. I am remembering those soldiers who fought that war, including John F. Kennedy, who would have been 100 today. Dad and JFK helped secure America’s place in the world 70 years ago.

We placed a lilac in front of Dad’s marker and we also planted a lilac in front of Mum, who died last year. The wives of soldiers never get enough mention, but she is worth mentioning for so many other reasons.

We used this memorial day to bury her ashes and to remember her contributions to our lives. She and Pops had a rule that everyone in the family should be able to do all the jobs. We mentioned that today to our three children, that all are expected to do the dishes, cook the meals, go to the schools and contribute to our great country. She and Dad were marvelous role models and they still serve as my heroes.

On this memorial day, we always hope to live up to their example.

Dr. Robert A. Southworth, Jr.

Dr. Robert A. Southworth, Jr.

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